The Ideon Singer Has a Youtube Channel

Taira Isao is a Japanese singer famous for his contribution to multiple anime songs. Famously, he can be heard in the openings to Space Runaway Ideon, Muteki Robo Daiohja, and Galactic Cyclone Braiger. And over the past three years, Taira’s also been running a small Youtube channel.

The channel is called Taira Isao’s Uta Uta Uta [that’s “song” written three different ways), and the man uploads his covers of old Japanese music. Taira’s stated goal is to share songs from history, and even give a little background on each one to spread knowledge.

Some examples:

“Momiji” (1911)

“Hana no Machi” (1947)

“Princess Mononoke” (1997, from the movie)

As of this post, Taira has less than 2,000 subscribers. It’s wild to me, the fact that this person with this ultra-recognizable voice from anime would have this humble Youtube presence at the age of 71. 

It’d be great if he had more subscribers, but I kind of like that his channel is relatively small. There’s something charming about all this, especially because he’s trying to draw attention to great (non-anime) music from yesteryear. 

One thought on “The Ideon Singer Has a Youtube Channel

  1. Hey king

    Just wanted to let you know that every time you post about 80s mecha anime and shounen manga I get really happy and have the urge to hit my head into a wall.

    Thank you so much for keeping the spirit of fanblogging and commentary alive. You will see me in your patreon soon 😀


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