Kio Shimoku Twitter Highlights May 2024

​​Not very many tweets this month, but starting off with some fun insight into how Spotted Flower has changed.

Kio laments that Spotted Flower (a series that was once supposed to be simple and easy to draw) now has a huge cast, places he’s never drawn before, things that require photo references, and an increased page count.

It’s been 10 years since Kio last watched The Piano, a movie that apparently shook him with the level of NTR it features. In hindsight, he realizes this might be why he likes the movie so much.

Kio believes that the manga artist Kusada has made some kind of breakthrough in portraying the cuteness of their character Kurono.

A drawing from the 18+ work Kio is currently making, showing the mom from the first doujinshi he did.

Mysterious drawing.

Kio drew a special piece for the current anime Train to the End of the World.

Turtle door! 

2 thoughts on “Kio Shimoku Twitter Highlights May 2024

  1. I stumbled upon your blog today, its a really cool read. I’m suprised that you are still updating. As many blogs that i found from google are abandoned. Keep up the good work. Pal!


  2. Just wanted to add that I’ve been coming back to this blog ever since Genshiken was actually running. I’m just rewatching the show now because my partner has never seen it. Ogiue remains my fave too! Love the translation posts you do because I’m happy to see Shimoku is still putting out work.

    Liked by 2 people

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