Soul of Where’d My Money Go: Ogiue Maniax Status Update for June 2024

As we inch closer to summer (and all the fun and horror that entails), I find myself a little spend-happy. What can I do when the Soul of Chogokin line announced a ton of new releases for their 50th anniversary?! There’s the DX Showa Mechagodzilla, Shinkalion, Tryon 3 (aka the very first Gundam entry in the SoC line), and it doesn’t even stop there. It’s impossible for me to buy all of them, but I am ever so tempted to do so.

I also started playing Elden Ring this month. I don’t know if I’ll do a full review or anything, but it’s inspiring me to at least write one or two posts somewhat related to it.

This past month also saw the birthday of hololive’ La+ Darknesss! I decided to celebrate by pulling out the old ink and brush and drawing a quick portrait. I used to post more art to Ogiue Maniax, but that mostly fell by the wayside a long time ago. I keep trying to convince myself to do more again, but we’ll see.

Thank you to the following Patreon supporters for the month:


Ko Ransom

Diogo Prado



Sue Hopkins fans:


Hato Kenjirou fans:


Yajima Mirei fans:


Blog highlights from May

When the Shounen Good Boy Gets Hate: Tanjiro, Deku, and Anti-Antiheroes

My thoughts on the “good boy” protagonist, and responding to criticisms of such characters.

A Hot Spring Inn in Ogiue’s Home Prefecture: Meigetsuso

Another report from my trip to Japan last year! This time, I visited Yamagata Prefecture.

Crawling Through the Dark: End of Evangelion

I watched End of Evangelion in theaters. Here are my thoughts returning to this film after many years.

Kio Shimoku

Not a whole lotta tweets this month.


I keep on thinking about upping my foreign language learning, but I have yet to fully commit. I’m considering trying one of those language partner/tutor sites, but I don’t know where to even begin.

One thought on “Soul of Where’d My Money Go: Ogiue Maniax Status Update for June 2024

  1. Hey, thanks for highlighting your “shonen good boy” post, I missed that one and I really appreciate getting a second chance to read it. It’s really good! I was also always confused by the hate that characters like Tanjiro and Deku got from some fans. These are literally my favorite characters in those series, and I like them specifically because they are so good natured. I really liked that you used pro wrestling as an analogy of why some fans might feel that these characters could be a little bland.

    Liked by 2 people

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